Educational value

Educational value

Excerpts from the Compendium

"More Than Memories of a Dark Time"

Prof. Dr. Peter Gstettner, Austrian educationalist, initiator and co-founder of the Mauthausen Memorial, takes on the entire commemoration project, the Room 28 Projects - book, exhibition, theatre, educational project etc. - at a glance. For him it is "an extraordinary project that differs from most documentaries and interview projects", on the one hand due to the multidimensional approach and the methodical preparation, on the other hand because questions "of humanity, empathy, solidarity and the Development of social skills under the precarious living conditions in concentration camps."

Peter Gstettner's contribution to the compendium is the most well-founded analysis of the overall project Room 28 Projects.

Professor Peter Gstettner

The Girls of Room 28 - A Pedagogy of Remembrance for the 21st Century

Dr. Bertram Noback, High school teacher and university lecturer, did his doctorate on dealing with the Nazi era in schools with the dissertation "Education after Auschwitz and cultural memory in schools". In his contribution, he explains why the Room 28 Educational Project is for him "an ideal approach to a contemporary debate" on National Socialism and the Holocaust. Bertram Noback is one of the most outstanding educators  in the field of Holocaust education in Germany. He addresses the many facets and dimensions of our educational project, analyzes the educational value and shows how the project can be used in the classroom and in extracurricular projects.

Betram Noback's contribution to the Compendium is particularly useful for teachers.

Bertram Noback

The Humanization of Man needs a Counterpart

Prof. Dr. Detlef Pech, Professor at the Humboldt University Berlin  for Primary School Education and Director of the International Professional School of Education hold a speech at our first presentation of the Room 28 Educational Project in May 2012 in the Czech Embassy in Berlin. His words were published in the English Compendium 2017. Here his central idea:

"The development of personality, the humanization of individuals, need a counterpart. To become truly human you need 'the other'. And what power this can have, this becomes palpable through the story of the Girls of Room 28.".

Professor Detlef Pech

The Girls of Room 28 and Jewish Culture

Dr. Christian Walda was director of the Jewish Museum in Rendsburg between 2008 and 2014. He showed the exhibition The Girls of Room 28 there in 2010. Since 2019, the art historian Dr. Christian Walda ia Head of the Art Collections at the Museum for Art and Cultural History in Dortmund and since 2022 also Deputy Director of this museum as well as curator for exhibitions. He is a member of Room 28 e.V.

Christian Walda

Resilience. Why Resistance challenges us

Lisbeth Wutte is a theater teacher, author and lecturer for word culture in elementary education. As an employee at StART, she provides therapeutic emergency aid for children and young people affected by war, flight and natural disasters. In 2015 she published the book "Living Language with Children". She is a member of Room 28 e.V.

Lisbeth Wutte: Resilienz

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis and Edith Kramer.

Lore Laura Jimenez Alonso is an art therapist, teaching therapist and supervisor for art therapy and co-founder of Edith Cramer Society in Vienna. In 2016 she published the book: EDITH KRAMER - pioneer of art therapy Vienna - New York - Grundlsee. Styria Books, Vienna - Graz - Klagenfurt.

LoreLaura Jimenez Alonso

The Room 28 Educational Project is supported by the NPO Room 28. It is a group of friends who support the project with the "Girls of Room 28" in various ways and share the values, tasks and goals laid down in the statutes of our organization. its main mission is to convey the "legacy of the Girls of Room 28" to younger generations and lead it into the future. 

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